I've been attending Rush live shows since Moving Pictures. Picking up a tour book is always a MUST. The size of the books, the photos, the stories, even a Crossword Puzzle. I do like examining Neil's new kit every year, and DREAMING about having one of my own. Plus they will go nice with the new Rush Premium Pinball Machine I just purchased, I intend to use these to create some wall paper around my Pinball Machine. I also plan on creating a shelf or two from the contents of the 40th anniversary box sets, of Moving Pictures, the Red Barchetta will look really nice on the wall, along with the guitar picks and drum sticks, plus some gems from the Farewell to Kings, Hemispheres, 2112, and Permanent Waves box sets... I hope to frame the Donna Reed cover poster, if I can get the creases out of the insert. That and if my spouse will let me get away hanging it on the wall of our dining room. I love these tour books. They are great snapshots in time of the band. If you have a cRush like I do, you must get them. (how's that for a Double Entendre. Of course it's not Moving Pitchers t-shirt, but sure beats man crush). Anyway, get one for for your favorite Rush Album, at a minimum, if you can even make a short list. Blah Blah. Blah Blah Blah. BLAH! Blah blah.